The Spiral of Light is a quiet and peaceful way to commemorate the start of the holiday season. It serves as a gentle pause from the busyness and materialism that the season can sometimes bring. To set the mood, a beautiful, intricate spiral of evergreen boughs is laid out on the ground lined with stars. As families gather in a circle around it a hush fills the space with anticipation. Children then bring their candles to the “candle of life” in the center of the spiral where a spiritual helper stands ready to assist them and light candles. To complete the journey, children carefully walk outward and place the candles on stars along the spiral. This peaceful and contemplative ritual is accompanied by music, and the spirit of wonder and awe fills the space as we slowly see the one candle lighting the many, turning into a galaxy of stars. Many traditions around the world celebrate the holidays in this way of lighting candles in the night, and this is our way of honoring the light that shines in all of us.
This year the World Family School will be celebrating in a wonderful open air barn setting in South Bozeman. Please bring a warm beverage for your family, dress to be outside. Bring a sturdy candle for your child in a safe container or apple for them to carry the candle.